What Is A Minimalist Person And Are They Happier?

What Is A Minimalist Person And Are They Happier?

I have always been a busy and competitive person. My schedule has always been jampacked. As someone who used to work in an office job, I associate myself with the things I own and the trendiest clothes I wear. I have a lot of unused belongings in my closet, but I never wanted to let go of them, thinking I might need it someday. I cared more about owning things than having experiences.

These were just a few of my mindsets before I decided to have a minimalist lifestyle.

You might have come across the term “minimalist” or “minimalism” on social media, but what does it mean? What is a minimalist person? Why people adopt a minimalist lifestyle?

Table of Contents

    What Is Minimalism?

    A lot questioned if I am able to live my life with only the essentials and fewer things. Are we, minimalist individuals, happier? While minimalism isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to happiness, many who embrace it experience a sense of fulfillment and freedom that transcends material wealth.

    Minimalism is not just about choosing to live with less stuff. It’s a lifestyle philosophy that focuses only on what’s truly important, simplifying every aspect of one’s life, and choosing to live intentionally.

    13 Signs That You Are A Minimalist Person

    If you came across this blog post, chances are you have been practicing minimalism but still wonder if you truly are or you are just curious of the characteristics of a minimalist person.

    To answer these questions, here are the 13 signs and characteristics of a minimalist person. I had this list based on my experience as well as I adopted a minimalist lifestyle.

    1. Owning Material Things Don’t Matter To You

    You recognize that owning more material possessions doesn’t hold significance in your life. You prioritize the value and purpose of having material items over accumulation.

    You may find yourself letting go of things that no longer serve a meaningful role in your life. This involves decluttering and simplifying your environment so you can focus on the essentials.

    By owning fewer material things, you have more physical space to only keep things that serve a purpose in your life.

    2. Simple Living Is Your Life Guidepost

    Simplicity is the cornerstone of your lifestyle. Being a minimalist person is not just about owning fewer possessions. It’s about having a mindset to value only the essential things and eliminate the excess aspects of your life.

    Minimalists understand that a simpler life is a happy life. Cliche as it sounds, a lot of people make their lives complicated. By living simply, you only do things that bring joy to you and let go of things that don’t contribute positively in your life.

    Having a minimalist mindset leads you to make intentional choices that provide more clarity and purpose in your life.

    3. You Reduce Waste And Practice Sustainability

    You strive to consume less and make conscious choices that contribute to a healthier planet. You may adopt practices such as recycling and reducing single-use items. Also, you might prefer eco-friendly alternatives and support businesses that prioritize sustainability.

    You don’t think of purchasing a certain item that lasts for a short time. Rather, you think of it as an investment that will provide value for your money in the long run.

    4. You Dislike Physical Clutter

    You find yourself cleaning and tidying spaces so there will be less clutter and more space for purposeful things. This is because as a minimalist person, you want simplicity and functionality in your surroundings.

    As mentioned earlier, you only prioritize belongings that serve a purpose. Physical clutter is visually distracting and mentally overwhelming. As a result, this diverts a person’s ability to focus and find peace in their environment.

    With this, you ensure curating your spaces purposefully and keep a clutter free space.

    5. You Are Intentional In Your Choices

    If you’re a minimalist person, chances are, you truly uphold intentionality in your choices. Minimalists are mindful not just of the material possessions they bring into their homes but also of their choices in various aspects of their lives.

    For instance, I’ve shared in my recent blog post why my husband and I chose to have an intimate wedding rather than a lavish one. I’ve always valued simplicity and the essence of a marriage over extravagance and societal pressures. My husband and I took actions that are important to who we truly are and not because of what other people tell us to do so.

    We were able to save money because we only included the essential items and spent quality with our close family and friends. We were able to hold our dream wedding without breaking the bank.

    Through intentional living, you know how to define your priorities and live a life according to your values.

    6. You Pursue A Career That Aligns With Your Values

    When you become a minimalist person, you now choose roles that align with your values. Yes, money is important but you would rather find ways to have more freedom than tying up your career for 12 hours a day within the four corners of an office.

    A minimalist knows that to live a more authentic and meaningful life, choosing a career that contributes to your personal growth and aligns with who you are is a must.

    It’s not necessarily about pursuing your passion. Whatever career path you choose, it’s about aligning your actions with your genuine values and desires.

    Also, you’ve walked away from the hustle culture mindset. You understand that life is not a constant competition or race to achieve more or have more. Instead, you value balance, your well-being, and contentment over the relentless pursuit of success at any cost.

    You find greater joy and satisfaction in life as you free yourself from the pressures of comparison and constant striving.

    7. You Have A Capsule Wardrobe

    You have a capsule wardrobe as part of simplifying your lifestyle. You carefully curate your wardrobe with quality pieces that can be mixed and matched to create various outfits. Thus, this simplifies your daily dressing routine. You aren’t anymore feeling overwhelmed on what clothes to wear since you have what you need in your closet.

    You invest in pieces that stand the test of time, both in terms of durability and style. Through this, you reduce the need for frequent replacements.

    When you shop, you’re mindful of your habits and don’t anymore resort for impulse buying as you carefully consider each addition. You wanted to make sure that each item in the closet serves a specific role.

    Though you have fewer clothes, what’s important are its functionality and your personal style over trends and consumerism.

    8. Time Is The Most Valuable Resource

    You understand that time is finite and precious so you strive to use it wisely. Wasting time on activities or commitments that don’t align with your values becomes frustrating for you. As a minimalist, you become selective about allocating your time as you prioritize meaningful pursuits.

    You don’t have time for things that don’t matter to you, whether it’s unnecessary distractions, superficial obligations, or unfulfilling tasks.

    Despite how society glorifies busyness, you understand as a minimalist that a busy schedule contributes to mental clutter and stress. As a minimalist, you aim to maintain a balanced and manageable workload to avoid the trap of overcommitment and burnout. You prioritize quality over quantity in your engagements. Most importantly, you find time for rest.

    In essence, for a minimalist person like you, time is not just a measurement but a precious currency that should be spent wisely on things that truly enrich your life.

    9. You Frequently Unplug From Digital Devices

    In today’s hyper-connected world, constant exposure to screens and notifications is distracting for minimalists which diverts you from achieving your goals.

    As a minimalist, you make time for quiet space and self reflection for mental clarity. You are practicing mindfulness in your digital life by setting your screen time limits as too much of it can drain your mental energy and diminish your ability to focus on what truly matters.

    You unplug from digital devices regularly to disconnect yourself from the constant stream of information and stimuli.

    Whether it’s taking a digital detox day, turning off your notifications, or doing technology-free activities in your routine, you know that these things have a positive impact on your mental health.

    10. You Set Clear Boundaries And Aren’t Afraid To Say No

    You protect your time, energy, and resources by establishing limits on what others are willing to take on. You become selective about commitments, relationships, and opportunities to ensure that they align with your priorities and values.

    You are not afraid to let go of toxic relationships. You would rather have a few friends who would always be there for you than have lots of them who won’t be by your side during your lowest times. Relationships that are of quality over quantity.

    By doing so, you honor your needs, both physically and emotionally. Saying no doesn’t mean that you are selfish, but rather you understand what truly matters to you and what serves your well-being in the long run.

    Hence, you prefer to invest your time and energy in activities and relationships that bring fulfillment and joy, rather than spreading yourself thin by trying to do it all. By discerning your commitments and being unafraid to say no when necessary, you become more authentic and purposeful in your life.

    11. You Live Within Your Means To Achieve Financial Freedom

    For minimalists, money is viewed as a tool, rather than a measure of success or status. It represents more than just a means of acquiring possessions. Every dollar spent is a reflection of the time invested in earning it.

    Also, you know that excessive spending results in financial strain as it limits one’s ability to live a life of freedom and flexibility.

    That’s why a minimalist person is mindful when it comes to consumption and financial stewardship. By choosing to live within your means, you free yourself from the burden of debt and materialism which gives you peace of mind.

    12. You Love Collecting Life Moments, Not Things

    Being a minimalist person, you believe that true happiness comes from experiences and memories, not from accumulating stuff. You cherish moments and quality time spent with loved ones, close friends, adventures in new places, and personal achievements more than any physical item could provide.

    Life is about creating meaningful relationships and embracing the present moment. Instead of filling your space with material objects, you fill your life with experiences that bring fulfillment and joy. Whether it’s a quiet sunset, a heartfelt conversation, or a spontaneous adventure, you treasure these moments as the true riches of life.

    13. You Find Contentment In What You Already Have

    Finally, you are a minimalist person when you find contentment in what you already possess. You know true happiness doesn’t come from constantly seeking more, but rather from appreciating the abundance that exists in the present moment.

    Instead of constantly chasing after physical possessions, you find fulfillment in the simplicity of what you already have.

    You practice gratitude for everything that you have. Whether it’s having a cozy home, spending time with your family, working in a job you love, or being grateful for what your body does to you, you recognize the value of each aspect in your life.

    The Challenge of Being A Minimalist

    Being a minimalist poses a challenge, especially in my experience. This is just my personal experience and doesn’t speak to everyone in our society.

    As someone who grew up in a Filipino culture with older people who prioritize material possessions and climbing the corporate ladders as markers of success. I’ve encountered skepticism and misunderstanding about my minimalist lifestyle, especially from my mom.

    Like my mom, older generations may not be familiar with minimalism and may question your decision-making process. At the same time, mainstream culture equates success with accumulating wealth. They may think of minimalism as a rejection of traditional values or as a sign of financial hardship.

    I’m grateful to my mom for all she’s done to enable me to enjoy my life today. I’m just sharing this one aspect where we have a misalignment in our values.

    If you experienced these things, I urge you to stay true to your values by leading through example and continuing to share your journey that a fulfilling life is possible by living with less.

    Wrapping Up

    These are just some of the common characteristics of a minimalist. If I haven’t mentioned anything, feel free to comment down below. Let’s keep the conversation respectful and supportive.

    As you reflect on these 13 signs, you may find yourself resonating with one, two, or perhaps all of them. What’s striking about minimalism is not just the choices we make but the fulfillment it gives to a person who embraces a minimalist lifestyle.

    Whether you are embracing minimalism fully or simply applying some of its principles into your life, the key lies in finding what brings you joy and living in alignment with your values and aspirations.

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